Advakiel Zabathiel
The energy is heavy, palpable, pleasurable, sensual - root chakra energy, more erotic than any other planet in the Sag series, for me. It starts low and then rises in a column of flame, filling me with a heavy and urgent passion.
I see a blackened smoky landscape, a lava flow, cracks glowing red where it has not yet cooled. Beneath the hard crust the molten stone is still oozing and soft. This delights me; nothing does not burn; the very minerals are flame. The gods are made flesh and walk upon the earth. Behold our Eden, raw creation, we are life without animal forms, we are the terrible heat at the center of the earth. Unleashed from our Tartaros we stand amidst the cracked and exhaling earth and we are free, long sleeping and buried again we walk and know the air. We have no pity, only joy, and boiling blood - we lust, a long-delayed arising of the stones which silently yeild themselves to your erosive forces - but watch as we are born. There is nothing that stops us. We are beyond man. The mare you believe is broken to the bit is a stallion now, you ride nothing - we will bury you in ashes, the earth wanders, the volcanos erupt. We do not hate - novelty destroys the old and done. The old forms are bones and then dust, we are Krakatoa, the exploding mountain that eclipses the sun. Whatever may fall, we shall arise, and then you will know awe, for is not the earth your refuge? Where shall you go when we are alight?
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