воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Poor Spaghetti... You were so nice and warm before I started homework...� I should heat you up again in the microwave, but that requires effort...� Cold cold spaghetti...

Eating my cold spaghetti, sent out my soils hw to my group mates, need to find a gazillion pics of the different species of gull so that I�can ace my gull quiz tomorrow in ornithology, want to finish my own personal projects in order to save my sanity....

I�have that stupid song stuck in my head... Paved Paradise and Put Up A Parking Lot.... Blah, it was on at work and it is so catchy..... Grrrrr

I�love water... Trying to get off the subject of whatever subject I�was on... But water IS�good.� If you donapos;t believe me, you should try it TODAY� Itapos;s free you know� Comes right out of your tap...� OR if you feel REALLY�fancy, go get yourself a bottle.� I�tend to buy a bottle and then just reuse said bottle by refilling it with my well water...� Tastey tastey well water, how I heart you and your natural hydrolic system-ness..... YAY

You know how there is an Earth Day? �Well, there should be a Water Day...� I�know water is TECHNICALLY included with Earth Day, but I�feel that water is so amazingly GREAT that it should get its own day... You know what?� We should just get rid of one of those stupid holidays like Boss Day or Secretary Day and replace it with Water Day.� GENIUS

ummmm..... Yea

Gonna go do home work again.� Must stay on track.... Tehe

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