воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Poor Spaghetti... You were so nice and warm before I started homework...� I should heat you up again in the microwave, but that requires effort...� Cold cold spaghetti...

Eating my cold spaghetti, sent out my soils hw to my group mates, need to find a gazillion pics of the different species of gull so that I�can ace my gull quiz tomorrow in ornithology, want to finish my own personal projects in order to save my sanity....

I�have that stupid song stuck in my head... Paved Paradise and Put Up A Parking Lot.... Blah, it was on at work and it is so catchy..... Grrrrr

I�love water... Trying to get off the subject of whatever subject I�was on... But water IS�good.� If you donapos;t believe me, you should try it TODAY� Itapos;s free you know� Comes right out of your tap...� OR if you feel REALLY�fancy, go get yourself a bottle.� I�tend to buy a bottle and then just reuse said bottle by refilling it with my well water...� Tastey tastey well water, how I heart you and your natural hydrolic system-ness..... YAY

You know how there is an Earth Day? �Well, there should be a Water Day...� I�know water is TECHNICALLY included with Earth Day, but I�feel that water is so amazingly GREAT that it should get its own day... You know what?� We should just get rid of one of those stupid holidays like Boss Day or Secretary Day and replace it with Water Day.� GENIUS

ummmm..... Yea

Gonna go do home work again.� Must stay on track.... Tehe

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Could the pie really be a virgin? She must have seen that its penis tenting its shorts...sh E really did not seem that angry when it looked in bottom of its top. I will be his first, it finally realized just as it felt the first tightening in its balls. I will have all the summer to allure it, allure the mom too whom he suddenly thought like twists of fist of sticking cum blown outside his being opposed tap. It was an order of two hundred miles to obtain with the five acres ground which rested of insulation on a remote island of barrier and fact face the Atlantic Ocean.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Advakiel Zabathiel

The energy is heavy, palpable, pleasurable, sensual - root chakra energy, more erotic than any other planet in the Sag series, for me. It starts low and then rises in a column of flame, filling me with a heavy and urgent passion.

I see a blackened smoky landscape, a lava flow, cracks glowing red where it has not yet cooled. Beneath the hard crust the molten stone is still oozing and soft. This delights me; nothing does not burn; the very minerals are flame. The gods are made flesh and walk upon the earth. Behold our Eden, raw creation, we are life without animal forms, we are the terrible heat at the center of the earth. Unleashed from our Tartaros we stand amidst the cracked and exhaling earth and we are free, long sleeping and buried again we walk and know the air. We have no pity, only joy, and boiling blood - we lust, a long-delayed arising of the stones which silently yeild themselves to your erosive forces - but watch as we are born. There is nothing that stops us. We are beyond man. The mare you believe is broken to the bit is a stallion now, you ride nothing - we will bury you in ashes, the earth wanders, the volcanos erupt. We do not hate - novelty destroys the old and done. The old forms are bones and then dust, we are Krakatoa, the exploding mountain that eclipses the sun. Whatever may fall, we shall arise, and then you will know awe, for is not the earth your refuge? Where shall you go when we are alight?

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blissfully yours dvd

Well heres a poem i just suddenly wrote. I NEVER� write poetry so this is really random for me. Its called Just Dont Care.
(sorry if i have a few grammar errors with commas and periods and stuff. Remeber this a first for me)
well here it is:

I dont care,
about what you say.
Dont you tell me,
dont you dare,
their just at bay;
these feelings you cant see.
Just let it lay,
just let it be.

I dont care,
never did,
just didnt matter to me.
Iapos;ll just lay it out bare;
I was just a kid,
but i saw what I was supposed to be.
Screw on the lid,
and please just let it be.

Let the past be the past,
dont try holding on,
and dont try to forget.
Let the blame be cast,
but dont let it go on.

I dont care.
Just let it be.
Dont you dare,
lay the blame on anyone else but me.

Should I feel this way?
Could I feel that?
Is there something deep inside me,
that I just cant get at?
Some secret psychological problem,
that i just cant bear to say?
Let me be brutally honest with you,
I just dont give a crap either way.

So dont say sorry,
dont you dare cry.
That emotional baggage you carry,
is not mine to hide.
I want them to see,
I want them to know.
I want to be something different;
like some complicated code.

Just dont care,
cant you see?
Please, dont you dare
Dont you dare lay that all on me

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

adaptec aic 7902b

hye all...
i have one more paper to go
hope English paper tomorrow will have some mercy on me..

why iapos;m using "lonely" as my title tonight?
because iapos;m truly alone in this not so big room..
zira went back home already...
hmm~just now hanis did keep me company...
but then her senior asked her out..
so~here i am...lonely again~
and tomorrow iapos;ll be absolutely alone as all my house mates will be going home early...
waaaaaaacan u imagine my situation?

honestly,iapos;m so sleepy now...
but then, i donapos;t want to sleep yet...
donapos;t know why though...
one thing for sure..iapos;ll sleep earlier tonight...
damn tired~

ok...i surrender..
my sleepiness totally won over me...
so...i guess i catch u all later?
jaa...oyasumi...anyong hi jumuseyo~~
wish me luck for tomorrow*wink2*

adaptec aic 7902b.

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In this episode of� "Go, Elisa, Vent": Iapos;ll discuss, while you read, or donapos;t read.
Everything seems to be shaping up this year. The only negative that I can think of, right off the top of my head, is Jeff left me for a 17 year old. It hurts, but it turns out, as once quoted, "I will survive". Iapos;m at a crossroads with the situation, though. I havenapos;t determined yet, whoapos;s to blame. You see, I have my issues, and I can see how they are frustrating. But I really felt like with the right coaching, I could pull through them. But, at the same time, I shouldnapos;t have to rely on someone else to cure my problems. And it is certainly not fair to put that kind of strain on a loved one. But, and hereapos;s the big but, I still have most of those issues, and my new relationship seems to be chugging along quite nicely. Now, I canapos;t remember exactly that far back, but at this point in Jeff and Iapos;s relationship Iapos;m pretty sure we had already had a big fight. Should have been clue #1. (honestly, the car shouldapos;ve been #1 (he drives a purple mitubishi spyder)) but i wont start the bashing (for fear that it wonapos;t end lol) But other than that, I seem to have finally grasped the concept of succeeding in college, seeing as my grades at this point in the semester have never been higher. Iapos;ve been doing my resarch on D.O. Programs in the states and the acedemic requirements seem reachable. Although, I do have concerns of the MCAT, I am a good standardized test taker. My dad just handed over the title to the Jimmy, so, the gas guzzler is officially mine Mwhahahaha But really though, it is super helpful I even got a job, through a good, loyal friend. NOTE�TO�SELF: do something nice for her, perferrably in the near future. (Iapos;m thinking a bottle of liqor.) Seeing as I�am now old enough. Speaking of old enough, I can vote for this yearapos;s presidential election And I am super excited to say that the first president I voted for was Senator Barack Obama I donapos;t care if he is a muslim and you think he will ruin the country, if you watched last nightapos;s debate and youapos;re still voting for McCain you must be a complete nincompoop. And nincompoopapos;s donapos;apos;t deserve a vote.(Iapos;m sure both republicans and democrats would agree to that) And my father included, seeing as (and this is a direct quote, yes that means straight from the God-like lips) "Itapos;s going to come down to that educated people will vote for McCain, and uneducated people will vote for Obama." What a prick. Well, I guess that means youapos;re daughterapos;s uneducated...cuz guess what
I suppose Iapos;ll end there. Next time on: "Go, Elisa, Vent" Maybe Iapos;ll inform you of my roomate drama, or maybe I wonapos;t waste time. Because thatapos;s about how much I care about it.�
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